Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In this spore borne air,

I wish I had a typewriter. I used to have an old one, but stupidly I discarded it because it was running out of ink. I really would like one now, I think I will go to some second-hand shops/the dump tomorrow or the next day to look for some nice old things. I would like: 1) a typewriter 2) an old sewing machine 3) a bike.

I have an ancient history overload; lectures all day on Tuesday and an hour and a half video conference today, and I am supposed to have a double lesson tomorrow. All I can think about now is Pompeii and Herculaneum, and the bodies, and disintegrating foundations of lives. It is quite interesting, but I want to scream "too much! too much!!" I'm scared that all the information will suddenly come out in knowledge vomit, like when you eat too much chocolate. You feel guilty for wasting it all, because you can't take it back in again.

I think I'm a little bit in love with you, but only if you're a little bit in love with me...


Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'm caught in a middle place, between you and him, between friendship and logic, It's tricky. Who do I believe? Who do I trust? Why am I lost?

Today was a little bit nice. I felt un-stressed and un-rushed, how lovely. And now I have just realised that there is only 2 days of school left until the holidays, which makes today even nicer. Also, I really like the Tour de France because: 1) It's in France 2) It involves bikes, I like bikes 3) Streamlined men in Lycra, mmm.

It's very cold today, I wish it was less cold.

Do you ever have those out-of-body experiences? They are strangely grounding I find. It's as if I need to leave my body for a little while so as I appreciate it more.

I would like to go get some nice coffee tomorrow afternoon, I hope I find someone to do this with.


Thursday, July 2, 2009


Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.
Today I'm feeling thoughtful and slightly fly-away. Sometimes the sky seems to yawn open above me, teasing my inwards, upwards and onwards. I never give in, but sometimes I want to so badly it's a little scary.
I really need to do some more writing for my english stuff, it adds to the overwhelming general guilt, so instead I while away the hours on blogs and nice people. It's ok, I don't mind mostly, sometimes I do, but mostly it's ok.

I think I will go and do some more searching, for some source of amazement, wish me luck!
