Sunday, December 27, 2009

She was never only dancing, no one ever really is.

To buy:
Rabbit night light to keep me company.
Old metal hair clip with horses on.
Some nice rings.

Dear hair, please grow faster.
I'm up for a spot of dam camping very soon. Mum is giving me some old books, I'm so happy. Can't find fairy lights which is annoying. When my room becomes lovely I'll post some pictures.
Can't wait for fish swap; George is going to be the greatest.
My mind is not thinking creatively tonight, apologies. I am thinking in staccato instant photographs. Short sentences. With hints of rage.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

tiny notes,

dear sufjan stevens, you are truly absolument étonnant.

dear french, I want to be able to speak and understand you.

dear c, paris next year, it's going to happen.

dear audrey, you will never cease to amaze me, ever.

dear tea, want to be lovers?

dear room, please expand and clean yourself.

dear me, stop being so irritating.

dear you, stop being so nonchalant about me.

dear me, you're just being childish, so stop.

"Well I have a double re-cracker that can crack through anything in the universe and that's the most powerful thing ever. Period. Done."


Friday, December 18, 2009

You're looking skinny like a model, with your eyes all painted black.

A certain pretty lady was just discussing blogs with me, it inspired me to write on you. Sorry I'm not more loving, I'll try harder I promise.
I can't describe it in my own words, I can only use other peoples. Gosh, I want so badly to just be decided and definite, and yet.. the future calls with gaping possibility.
I had to work for so long today, and now I want to curl up inside a warm sandy cave and snooze whilst listening to the waves of nothingness surrounding me. Like a small furry mammal I'm feeling timid and quiet, my nose is whiffling and my movements shrinking.
Tomorrow I shall properly clean my room, and make it all lovely again, my own sacred cave. I do hope someone will come to watch library DVD's with me, they are tantalisingly pretty.
Here's to tiny sparrows flying into our ears, alight with inspiration and peace.


P.S. Conor Oberst, please marry me right now. In the meantime you should most definitely listen to all Bright Eyes music, especially No One Would Riot For Less.

P.P.S. I feel like this