Sunday, September 20, 2009

The soft bloody nose

Psst.. Want to know a secret?

No, I lied, I don't have anything to tell you, just wanted you to notice me.. But maybe I should make one up.. A secret, an issue something to make me appealing. Yeah?

You'll probably never read this, but it helps me to know you might be able to. Sorry for being a whinger.

Today was a nice day. And now I feel oh-so-dreamy and happy it's unbelievable, Creature Fear by Bon Iver came on at JUST the right time.

Study is actually being bearable, quite nice almost.. How silly of me. Hope I see some swoopings tomorrow. Sorry this post is really un-poetic or creative. Tomorrow maybe.

Wish me luck.. What for? For nothing.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Maybe forever.

It's raining. It's raining and it is so beautiful. The dark grey sky holds tinges of brown and patches of light. It has a certain brooding uncertainty to it, a constant movement. The steady drip of raindrops from budding branches is one of the most lovely things I have ever seen. The soft movement and quiver of everything is simultaneously exciting and calming. This weather is probably one of my absolute favourites. I'd like it to continue for a long time, washing away all of our conceptions and ideals, leaving a damp clean slate.


I read somewhere... "The moon is very lovely. And very, very old." It was so simple and lovely it made me want to cry a little. I wrote it on a lovely stolen post-it with a lovely stolen pen.

19 days more... 19 days. What then? Help me?

I've got no excuse,
