Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

my boyfriend gave me a unicorn bracelet

imissindea. the end.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

and this is why i love you,

m: oh lydia
why did you leave me?

l: you left me first!

m: pssh, just for a bit

l: but seriously, got used to my daily moustache dosage.

m: you left me, like, permanently

l: so, only solution is for us to elope. the end.

m: i know, experiencing the withdrawals yet
ok, done
where to?

l: worst hangover of my life pretty much.
.... guess.

m: hahaha
ok, i know, but that's really more a place to find an apartment
i say we find a remote island in se asia first

l: right deal, any preferences?

m: one beautiful, remote island is as good as the next as far as I'm concerned
maybe somewhere i can catch some fish
you know, to eat and stuff

l: ahhh, yes, good plan.
you gonna go all bear grylls?

m: more like swiss family robinson
with a monkey butler
that makes mean cocktails


i currently feel lost. i cannot decide where i want to be, or who i want to be, or what i want to do, or who i want to do. everything is tangled into knots, and my mind is flighty and indecisive. where is my mind?
glad about sydney though, i think that will give me some sense of sanity.
can't really explain how i made a best friend in 3 weeks, but it happened, and we understood each other perfectly. i'll miss that...


Friday, January 7, 2011


it's true.

i lost count, tally is in double digits now though, and have found a new favourite who left me. he was the sweetest.
